Favorite Pages
We scan the covers and some pages of each finished book, and post them here in chronological order. Here is the whole list by title:
1. Fall 2012: Oscar Saves the Day
2. Spring 2013: The Adventures of Jack and Sophia
3. Fall 2013: The Not So Ordinary Family
4. Spring 2014: The Tell-Tale Toes
5. Fall 2014: The Empty Easel and Other Strange Coincidences
6. Spring 2015: The Secret to Happiness
7. Fall 2015: Nabiki and Ruby: An Outer Space Fairy Tale
8. Spring 2016: Mystical Waters
9. Fall 2016: The Peculiar Ten
10. Spring 2017: How Peacock Got his Colorful Feathers
11. Fall 2017: Eat, Play, and Die
12. Spring 2018: Attack of the Mangled Deranged Zebras
13. Fall 2018: The Rockin’ Radiated Rocks!
14. Spring 2019: The Spell of Unfair Fortune
15. Fall 2019: The Perilous Return to Turtle Island
16. Fall 2022: The Calling of the Phoenix
17. Spring 2023: Family Along the Way
18. Summer 2023: Nightmare at Green Lake
19. Fall 2023: The Trickster of Puget Sound
20. Winter / Spring 2024: The Troll of the West Seattle Bridge
21. Summer 2024: The Good, the Bad and the Cat
22. Fall 2024: Talon's Epic Tale
(PDFs exist for many of these titles. Email me if you'd like a copy at juliawsea@gmail.com.)